The Pros and Cons of Ceremonial Matcha!


Drinking Matcha for health or drinking for harm?

While it’s true that matcha has a myriad of health benefits and a unique, delicious flavor, some people can take their love for this vibrant green tea to the extreme. They start their day with a giant matcha latte, use matcha in their cooking, and even add it to their skincare routine. This matcha madness can be quite addictive. As someone who was once a matcha fanatic, I learned the hard way.

In this blog post, I want to share my personal experience with drinking Matcha Green Tea and provide some insight into both its potential benefits and side effects.

So let’s take a closer look at this trendy beverage and learn how to enjoy it in a mindful and healthy way.

Matcha: A Green Tea with Extraordinary Health Benefits

Matcha Green Tea is known for its numerous health benefits:

-Antioxidant and anti-cancer properties: one of the most impressive benefits of matcha is its high level of antioxidants, which can help protect against cell damage and chronic disease.

-Promoting heart health: studies have shown it may help reducing levels of harmful cholesterol.(4)

-Boosting brain function and mood: the presence of L-theanine, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and caffeine can boost mood.(3) It is also known to have a high level of L-theanine, which can give a gentle energy boost without the jitters.(1)

Matcha is carefully grown and harvested by farmers who cover their tea plants to avoid direct sunlight. This shading technique enhances the production of biologically active compounds, including theanine, caffeine, chlorophyll, and various types of catechins.(2)

It’s important to understand that while matcha can be a healthy addition to your routine, overindulging can lead to negative consequences.

When Matcha Goes Wrong: Uncovering its Negative Health Impacts


1- May lower iron levels:

One side effect of Matcha Green Tea is its potential to lower iron absorption in the body. This can lead to anemia, particularly in individuals with iron deficiency. In fact, a clinical study reported a case of a man who was diagnosed with anemia due to excessive consumption of green tea.(5)Therefore, it’s important for individuals with iron deficiency anemia to avoid consuming Matcha Green Tea in large quantities. Recent experiments on human intestinal monolayer cells have provided evidence that dietary polyphenolic compounds in tea could interfere with absorption of both heme and nonheme iron across these cells.(6)

From my own experience, I noticed a significant drop in my reserved iron levels (ferritin) despite having a diet that included plenty of red meat. It wasn’t until I stopped drinking matcha and supplemented with iron that my levels returned to normal. However, when I resumed drinking matcha, my reserved iron levels decreased once again.

2-Higher caffeine

Matcha Green Tea is known for its higher caffeine content as the whole leaf is consumed, unlike regular green tea. In fact, one cup of Matcha Green Tea provides as much caffeine as 10 cups of regular green tea!(7) With about 70 mg of caffeine per serving, it packs a punch. While caffeine can be beneficial for boosting energy and focus, it can also cause jitters or disrupt sleep if consumed in excess. If you are sensitive to caffeine or trying to limit your intake, opting for regular green tea leaves may be a better choice.

3- May impair thyroid function

As a lover of all things green tea, I was excited to try Matcha Green Tea when I first heard about its health benefits. But little did I know, it could have some negative effects on my thyroid function. After drinking Matcha Green Tea for a while, I noticed changes in my hair quality and energy, to my surprise my TSH levels had increased while my free T4 levels drastically decreased. It was a concerning discovery, and I started to do some research on why this was happening.

It turns out that Green Tea contains catechins, which are flavonoids that can have antithyroid and goitrogenic effects. These catechins can reduce thyroid hormones and lead to hypothyroidism.(8) This was a worrying revelation for me. Thyroid hormones are crucial to regulating metabolism in the body, affecting everything from weight and hair quality to body temperature and regulating hormones.
A study conducted on rat thyroid showed the potential antithyroid properties of green tea extract.(9)

From China to Japan: Tracing the Origins of Matcha

The history of matcha green tea dates back thousands of years, and it is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. The matcha tea ceremony first appeared in historical texts around the 13th century, and it was used as a spiritual aid in practices among the Buddhist monks in Japan. This practice was likely adopted from the Chinese Buddhist monks who also used matcha tea preparations in their religious practices and brought over to Japan when the matcha tea practice was adopted as well.(10)
During those times, matcha was not readily available to the common people. Only those of the highest social order practiced it in Japan.

Today, we have access to high-quality products such as ceremonial matcha, which allows us to experience the rich cultural tradition and the unique taste of matcha green tea. However, it is important to remember the history and traditions behind it, and to use it in moderation.



While matcha green tea offers many health benefits, including antioxidants and increased energy, over consumption can have negative effects on the body. As we mentioned earlier, excessive consumption of matcha green tea can impair thyroid hormones and lead to harmful side effects such as weight gain, hair loss, and impaired muscle strength. As with any food or beverage, it is crucial to listen to your body and consume what works best for you.

We’d love to hear from you. Do you drink matcha daily? Have you experienced any negative effects, or has matcha improved your health?

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Remember, moderation is key, and always consult with your healthcare provider before adding any new supplements or changes to your diet. Thank you for reading and happy sipping!

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